Being with Toku McCree

It was a real treat chatting with this episode’s guest Toku McCree. Toku is a coach, teacher and the guy behind and Samurai Coaching Dojo. His background working with rock stars and living in a Zen monastery certainly gives off a vibe that he’s less traditional than the usual, and he uses these experience to teach entrepreneurs and leaders an out-of-the-box mindset to redefine success not as the destination but as a part of the journey to an amazing life. Our conversation focused on the the idea that obsessing over tactics could actually be ruining your business, and even your life. Some of the points Toku and I covered in our discussion includes:

  • An obsession with productivity and strategy that he’s noticed working with entrepreneurs, leaders, and CEOs.
  • The point in an individual’s growth when the focus shifts from what you’re doing to what you’re being, and how this can change everything in your life, thus creating a kind of efficiency with less friction.
  • How he had 30 jobs before he was 30 years old, and how a cycle of getting hired, learning, getting bored and leaving a job led to a realization that he remains dissatisfied.
  • Meeting someone in a party which eventually led him to live in a monastery for two and a half years, where he learned about happiness and fulfillment.
  • Questions to ask yourself to enable you to run your business, or life, with greater efficiency, and without being tied to a rigid process, system, tactic or tool.
  • How vulnerability is actually a strength than can create possibilities, and enable one to be more effective in dealing with relationships, teams, and business.
  • Why is it important for a successful person who may be so used to relating to the world in a place of strength to show and experience vulnerability.
  • How putting tactics in place with perfection as the goal is likened to running a tank with no weaknesses, and why this is not an ideal mentality.
  • The significance of practicing presence by stepping back and relaxing to generate insights towards improving your business and life.

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Thanks for tuning in! Until next time, remember to stop guessing…and start going.

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